Jan 26, 2012

Summer Film

This is just a bunch of negatives from last semester/summer that I scanned in today. I really like how they turned out, so I think I'll be scanning in my own film from now on. :)

Jan 19, 2012

Medium Format

I got a chance to scan in some negatives that I picked up over break! These are just a few of my favorites. 


Jan 9, 2012

Family Pt. 2 & 3

We went to the top of the tram for this first part of the post. I had a lot of fun and I enjoyed the views (I'd never been up at night before!). However, it was freezing. And I'm not exaggerating. It had to be like 6 degrees!

This next set is a bunch of classic Family Pictures that we took at the Bosque!
